Sudoku Solver Tool
This tool is designed to solve a Sudoku puzzle entered by the user. It takes an incomplete Sudoku grid as input, solves it using a backtracking algorithm, and displays the solution in a visually formatted table. The tool also provides feedback on how much time the solving process took and how many steps were involved in solving the puzzle.
Enter the Sudoku puzzle in the provided text area, following the input format described below. Click the Solve button to trigger the solving process. The solved puzzle will appear below, with the solved numbers highlighted in red. The time it took to solve the puzzle and the number of steps will be displayed below the solution.
Expected Input:
The user should enter a Sudoku puzzle in a grid format with each row separated by a new line. Each row should consist of 9 digits, with 0 (zero) representing empty cells. Any non-digit characters or extra spaces will be ignored.
Example input format:
The puzzle must be a valid Sudoku grid with 9 rows and 9 columns.
The tool works best for puzzles that have a single, unique solution.
In case of an invalid input grid (e.g., incorrect row count or missing digits), the tool will prompt the user to enter a valid puzzle.
Word of caution:
This tool uses JavaScript to solve Sudoku puzzles, which can be computationally intensive for very complex puzzles. The browser tab might becomes unresponsive dueto your browser consuming high CPU resources, potentially slowing down your device.